Antique French Rose

Antique French Rose
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Wine…is Good !

Dating Hell and Other Stories...The start of something...

So I started to this blog so I could commincate with family members and then send my father a birthday card because I have gotten too actually send a greeting card...first you have to purchase the card then the stamp etc....THEN I decided I need to send a card to keep postal workers (5) months later I am sending a greeting card.   I called my dad to ask for advice...he has been married 5 or 6 times, I have lost count... and he loves women and they tend to love him obviously. He reminds me SO much of Mick Jagger and at least my son inherited his full lips...and gorgeous face.  He definitely would have been a HIT ON OKAY CUPID!
I can't really imagine  my Shagadelic Popster on the Internet in the 1970's without alot of laughing my NW Wool Socks off...he drove a Jag, he was totally cool, and he called women "Chicks" (He has improved alot since then.)

He is ULTRA conservative (I am not) but we seem to agree on many things. (he is very LGBTQ friendly, a fact I appreciate it...intelligent conservatives promote healthy sexual attitudes by the way....) He grew up in New York in Manhattan and Scarsdale in a Russian Jewish Family, is a natural artist and decorator and I suspect we carry the Gay Gene somewhere in our family because we don't hate anyone especially LGBTQ people, it seems unnatural really and super stupid to hate anyone. Can you say ITALY?  Design and Mind sort of rhyme don't they?

My father still thinks of me as his little girl but has finally accepted that I probably will not be providing many more grandchildren...unless I marry someone with existing children.  I prefer the grown up variety honestly....I have heard from so many friends about online dating that I am sort of deciding to post about experiences and maybe create an advice column related to online dating.
Many of us have a great time, many of of have great Ennui from online dating, and many of us have not even tried it....what do you think? D.E. (Dating Ennui) probably beats E.D. but at the "root" comes from the same source perhaps...too high expectations with too little experience.  LOL!
Always Ask For Help, We Love Our Men Too Much To Let Them Suffer!

I thought the following article was pretty fair about dating sites.  I think paying sites trump the free sites...making people pay does tend to weed non dating potential least they have to have a credit card right?

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